Steven Ross
Steven Ross M.Div, has dedicated almost 20 years in his exploration and practice of the Yoga tradition. He brings an unquenchable thirst for spiritual teachings and endless enthusiasm for Self realization. His entry into yoga was upon meeting an Indian Guru. He found himself thrown into life as a devotee, practicing bhakti, mantra and classical meditation. Certified in vinyasa krama yoga by Srivatsa Ramaswami, a systematic method of traditional hatha yoga as taught by Sri Krishnmacharya. Certified as an Ananda meditation teacher, his personal path lies with Paramhansa Yogananda and his deeply practical expression of ancient yogic wisdom.
In 2009, Steven and his wife Elsa founded Eastside Yoga, and held space for many students for nine years. Their passion was to build community and bring to life the full spectrum of what yoga has to offer. Steven designed programs for body, mind, spirit,and developed deeper studies of Self discovery. His mission is to bridge the gap between sacred Himalyan teachings handed down to us, and the modern day yoga class.
Steven has recently completed a Masters in Divinity and is ordained as an interspiritual minister. His study of the world’s sacred traditions, mystical pathways and people’s belief systems allows him to meet spiritual people of all walks of life. He utilizes raja yoga as a framework to deepen a person’s connection to life, the Self and the Divine. Steven teaches and consults as an intuitive medium to people in the Austin area ,and virtually to people all over the country.